Blogger Templates

29 July 2009

Angel 2

Voice of my Guardian Angel
19 years ago when my son was 11 years old, he, my husband Phil and I were returning to N.J. from Pa. A year before, we had purchased land not far from my hometown and on that weekend all three of us worked to clear the brush away from the site of our future home. Driving home after a weekend of hard work, we ll were pretty tired. After seeing my son asleep in the back seat of our van, I also fell asleep while my husband Phil drove. As I was sleeping, a soft female commanding voice spoke three words. Look at Phil!. I immediately opened my eyes and looked over at him, he was asleep at the wheel. I said sharply, Phil wake up! He did and took control over the steering wheel, we were inches away from going off the road down a steep embankment. I believe the voice was either our Blessed Mother or my Guardian Angel.

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